Sadomasochistic fantasies are often stigmatized and not easily disclosed to friends and family members. Although the nature of these fantasies is still incompletely understood, more frequent unconventional sexual fantasies seem to be associated with male gender with non-heteronormative sexual orientation and with higher educational level.
This was a cross-sectional study in which subjects provided information through a self-reported questionnaire in a face-to-face interview. This tool included questions assessing sociodemographic characteristics, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the subscale “sadomasochistic fantasies” of the Wilson Sexual Fantasy Questionnaire. A total of 412 medical students aged 18 and over attending first through sixth year at a medical school were selected and recruited to participate.
Non-heteronormativity and illicit drug use were directly and positively correlated with higher scores on sadomasochistic sexual fantasies. In addition, non-heteronormativity was a mediator variable in the model between being male and having higher scores on sadomasochistic sexual fantasies.
It is possible that unconventional sexual fantasies are more frequent in certain social groups, such as non-heteronormative males with high educational level. Although the use of psychoactive substances was correlated with sadomasochistic sexual fantasies, there are scarce scientific data to
support this finding.
Keywords: Sadomasochistic fantasies, University Students, Heteronormativity
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Médico psiquiatra. Professor Livre-Docente pelo Departamento de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente é Professor Assistente da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Coordenador do Programa de Residência Médica em Psiquiatria da FMABC, Pesquisador do Grupo Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Álcool e Drogas do Instituto de Psiquiatria da FMUSP (GREA-IPQ-HCFMUSP) e Coordenador do Ambulatório de Transtornos da Sexualidade da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (ABSex). Tem experiência em Psiquiatria Geral, com ênfase nas áreas de Dependências Químicas e Transtornos da Sexualidade, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Tratamento Farmacológico das Dependências Químicas, Alcoolismo, Clínica Forense e Transtornos da Sexualidade.